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Use the MoveClosed tool to move any object in 2D or 3D, including drawing sheet views. The behavior of the MoveClosed tool changes based on what you have selected.

When you move a component that has been assembled using assembly constraints, the MoveClosed handle is positioned at the constraint and the axes that are constrained are disabled. If the assembly constraints only allow movement in one direction, then that direction will be automatically selected. For example, if you move a component with a Center Axes assembly constraint, the MoveClosed handle is positioned on the axis and you can only move the component in directions that will keep the axes aligned.


If the MoveClosed handle appears disabled, check the Structure treeClosed to determine if an assembly condition exists for the component you are trying to move.


OffsetClosed , mirror, and coaxial inferred relationships also affect MoveClosed.


If you entered the DesignClosed tab with sheet metal features selected, the MoveClosed tool will work as it does in Sheet metal. To work as usual, right click on the sheet metal part in the Structure treeClosed and choose Suspend Sheet Metal in the context menu.

To Move objects

  1. Click MoveClosed in the Edit group on the DesignClosed tab.

  2. Select the object(s) that you want to move.

  3. Select the following options:

  4. Click an axis and drag in that direction to move the selected object.

    A line extends from the MoveClosed handle axis to indicate the direction you selected for movement.

    If the move fails, the MoveClosed handle is repositioned to the last valid location and orientation. If you are trying to move a protrusion surrounded by round faces, you may need to fill the rounds.

  5. You can also Alt + select a plane between MoveClosed handles to invoke free drag movement within that plane. Place the MoveClosed tool on any movable object and then hold the Alt key. Quarter circle planes appear between the MoveClosed handles. Selecting one changes the cursor to a free drag cursor and allows free movement within the plane. Select any MoveClosed handle to disable the free drag.

The cursor does not need to be on the axis to move the selected object. In fact, you may find it easier to control the move if you drag some distance from the entity and the MoveClosed handle.



ClosedTo move relative to other objects
ClosedTo change the anchor location of the Move handle
ClosedTo change the direction or trajectory for the move
ClosedTo dimension a move
ClosedTo copy an object using the Move tool

Tool guides

Within the MoveClosed tool, there are several tool guides that let you specify the behavior of the MoveClosed tool:


The Select tool guide is active by default. When this tool guide is active, you can select faces, surfaces, solids, or components within the MoveClosed tool.

Click any object with the Select ComponentClosed tool guide to select the solid to which the object belongs. If the solid is the only object in its component, the component will be selected.

Select a point, vertex, line, axis, plane, or planar face with the MoveClosed Direction tool guide to orient the MoveClosed handle and set the initial direction of the move. (The object will not move until you drag.)

Select a set of lines or edges with the MoveClosed Along TrajectoryClosed tool guide to move the selected objects along that trajectory. For best results, perform Moves along trajectories in small increments. If the object to be moved is a protrusion, it will be detached, then reattached in the new location. When you move a protrusion along a trajectory, rounds are automatically removed. Ctrl+Alt+click a face to control the orientation of the object being moved or patterned along.

Select an object, then use the Anchor tool guide to select the face, edge, or vertex that will anchor the move. You can anchor the MoveClosed handle to a temporary object, such as the intersection between two axes by Alt+Shift+clicking the two objects.

Select an object, then use the FulcrumClosed tool guide to move other objects around it. Select a pattern member to anchor it, or select a component to explode an assembly. See Moving with the Fulcrum tool guide.

The MoveClosed radially about axis tool guide allows you to select an axis to move the selected objects radially about. Once you select an axis, the MoveClosed handle will reorient to have one axis parallel to the move axis and one axis in the radial direction.

Once you select the object to move and a MoveClosed handle axis, use the Up To tool guide to select the object you want to move up to.

If a MoveClosed handle axis is selected, the MoveClosed is limited to that direction. If no handles are selected, the object is translated until the center of the MoveClosed handle lies on the selected reference. (A move handle must be selected to move up to the axis of an origin.)

In a linear move to an intersecting object, the center of the MoveClosed handle is moved to the selected object. If the two objects do not intersect, the first object is moved along the desired direction up to the closest point to the second object. You can use this tool guide to:

  • Select a point along a trajectory or the axis of an origin to move up to.

  • MoveClosed the sketch grid in Sketch and Section modes.

  • MoveClosed an axis so it is coincident with another axis in a body. If you move the axis of a pattern, all pattern members will move together to the new location.

You can double-click the Up To tool guide to keep it active. While the tool guide is active, it will copy faces and surfaces instead of moving them. To deactivate the tool guide, click it again, select another tool guide, or exit the MoveClosed tool.

Once you select the object to move and a MoveClosed handle axis, use the Orient to ObjectClosed tool guide to click an object. The selected object will be rotated until the selected MoveClosed handle axis is aligned with the clicked object. You can also use this tool guide to rotate the sketch grid in Sketch and Section modes.


The following options are available in the MoveClosed tool:

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