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Use the Pull
tool in the Edit ribbon group on the Sheet Metal tab to change sheet metal parts.
Since Sheet Metal thickness faces are thin, and you are likely zoomed out, selecting a non-thickness edge allows both edge and face Pull options. The image below shows that you can choose to pull the edge (dimmed Pull
arrow) or pull the face (active Pull
arrow). In this case you also have a choice of Extending the wall or creating a Joggle.
If you choose Joggle in the mini-toolbar , pulling the edge will create a Joggle.
On cylindrical walls, the mini-toolbar has an option to create a Curved Joggle .
If you change Pull directions, the edge will be pulled up to make a new wall.
Junctions and bend reliefs are automatically created and are determined by the current settings of the Junction and Relief tools. Pulling an edge on an inside contour creates a wall with a gap on both sides if a circular or square bend relief is chosen at the standard bend relief width. If a Rip relief type is selected, then the gap is equal to the rip width.
You can select an edge loop to pull multiple walls simultaneously, as shown below.
When you pull walls up on a design, the side edges of the new wall will follow the angles of its neighbors. This angle is usually 90°, but can be almost any angle. If the neighboring walls are obtuse angles, the neighbor wall must be less than 135° for the new wall to follow along the neighbors.
You can create conical bends by pulling one edge of a bend junction.
When pulling side edges with neighboring bend junctions, you can snap the resulting round radius to the radius of the junction. Hold the Shift key while pulling to snap to the bend radius, inner or outer, whichever is appropriate.
Shortcut keys work for all of the tools on both tabs. For example, you can press P to activate the Pull tool from either the Design
tab or the Sheet Metal tab.
Click the Pull
tool in the Edit group on the Sheet Metal tab.
Change the Junction and Relief tool settings in the Modify group, if necessary.
The settings of these tools are used when you pull. For example, if the Junction tool is set to Sharp, then a sharp edge is created when you pull. The tools' icons change to represent their current settings, so you can see them at a glance.
(Optional) Change the bend behavior in the Options panel:
The bend options control where bend radii are created in relation to adjacent walls.
Use Edge
Location: When you pull a sheet metal edge, the location of the bend radius depends on the edge you select and the direction you pull.
When you pull away from the other edge (1), the selected edge becomes an inside corner.
When you pull across the other edge (2), the selected edge becomes an outside corner.
Inside: The length of the inside surface of the wall is maintained, like 1 in the illustration above.
Outside: The length of the outside surface of the wall is maintained, like 2 in the illustration above.
: The amount of space to allow for the bend when pulling.
Bend angle: The angle between the two walls.
Bend radius: The inside radius of the bend.
Select one of the following:
An edge to create a new wall with the default sheet thickness.
A thickness face to extend an existing wall.
A wall face to offset (or move) the wall in the direction of the Pull arrow.
A thickness edge to round or chamfer the edge. You cannot create a hem on a non-thickness edge.
(Optional) Click the Pull Direction tool guide or hold Alt and select a reference element to set the direction of the pull.
(Optional) Click the Up To tool guide or press U and select a face, edge, or point to pull up to.
Click a yellow Pull arrow and drag in the direction of the arrow.
The following tool guides are available for this tool:
The Select tool guide is active by default. This tool guide allows you to select an object to pull. |
The Revolve
The Pull |
The Up To tool guide pulls the object up to another object. When using the Up To tool guide to move a face, form, or bead to a new location on a part, such as an edge or face, select a direction with a Move |
The following options are available for this tool:
Use Edge
Location: When you pull a sheet metal edge, the location of the bend radius depends on the edge you select and the direction you pull.
When you pull away from the other edge, the selected edge becomes an inside corner.
When you pull across the other edge, the selected edge becomes an outside corner.
Inside: The length of the inside surface of the wall is maintained, like 1 in the illustration above.
Outside: The length of the outside surface of the wall is maintained, like 2 in the illustration above.
: The amount of space needed to offset the sheet, in order to allow space for pulling.
to Selected Edge
: Uses the selected edge to automatically calculate the dimension reference based on the subsequent pull direction.
to Inside Edge
: Uses the inside edge as the dimension reference regardless of the pull direction.
to Outside Edge
: Uses the outside edge as the dimension reference regardless of the pull direction.
Bend angle: Angle between the two walls.
Bend radius: Inside radius of the bend.
Add: Only add material when you pull. If you pull in a subtractive direction, no change will occur. You can combine this option with other Pull options.
Cut: Only remove material when you pull. If you pull in an additive direction, no change will occur. You can combine this option with other Pull options.
No merge: Pulls without merging into other objects even when the object pulled intersects with an existing object.
Round: Create a rounded corner (fillet) on a thickness edge while pulling.
Chamfer: Create a chamfer on a thickness edge while pulling.
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