DesignSpark Mechanical Online Help
Undo and redo
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DesignSpark Mechanical stores all your actions from the moment you open the DesignSpark Mechanical application until you close it. This includes the use of all tools in all tabs, opening and closing files, loading and activating components, and changing settings. Every action is recorded and can be undone and redone.

The undo list is set to 50 steps by default. You can modify this number, but we recommend that you keep the default setting.

To undo or redo a tool action

Click the Undo and Redo tools in the Quick Access toolbar or press Ctrl+Z to undo and Ctrl+Y to redo.

You can undo and redo actions until you have undone or redone every action in your session, or you can jump to a particular action by selecting that action from the Undo and Redo menus. If undoing an action will open or close a document or switch to a new Design window, a confirmation window is displayed.

When you undo a tool action, the view is also changed to the view you used to perform that action.

To purge all actions

Select Purge from from the Undo menu.

This clears the memory of all previous actions for the DesignSpark Mechanical session.

To undo or redo a view

Click the Previous View and Next View tools on the status bar to undo and redo your design view changes.

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