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Creating a spline
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Use the Spline tool to sketch splines in 2D or to draw splines between points on objects in 3D. A spline is a continuously curved line, without sharp boundaries (that is, without vertices). Splines can become edges when you pull your sketch into 3D with the Pull tool. Sweeping along a spline in 3D lets you create smooth, curvy shapes.

The sketch grid must be visible in the workspace before you can draw.

To draw a spline on a sketch plane

  1. Click Spline in the Sketch group.

  2. If a sketch plane is not active, click on an object or objects in the Design window to make a sketch plane.

  3. Click to set the first point of the spline.

    Hold Alt and click to set the point if you want it to be tangent with an adjacent sketch or edge. When highlighting the vertex (which is actually an end point of one of the intersecting edges which has influence at the time) scroll the mouse wheel to select other adjacent edges with which to set the tangent vector direction, as previewed by the green tangency symbol.

  4. Click to set the next points of the spline.

    You can Dimension spline points by entering the coordinate distance from the start point to each point, or dimension each point relative to another sketch object.

  5. End the spline:

    • Double-click to set the end point of the spline.

    • Hold Alt and click to make the end point tangent with an adjacent sketch or edge.

    • Right-click and select Finish Spline.

    • Press Esc.
    • Connect the end point to the start point.

    • Click any other tool (except the Clipboard and Orient tools).

ShowTo draw a continuous spline

  1. Click Spline in the Sketch group.

  2. Select Draw continuous spline from the Spline section of the Sketch options panel.

  3. Click and drag to draw the spline.

  4. Release to finish drawing.

ShowTo draw a spline between points in 3D

  1. Click Spline in the Sketch group.

  2. Switch to 3D mode:

    • If a sketch plane is not active, press Esc.
    • If a sketch plane is active, click 3D Mode in the Mode group or press D.
  3. Click to set the first point of the spline.

    This can be any point on an object in your design.

    Hold Alt and click to set the point if you want it to be tangent with an adjacent sketch or edge. When highlighting the vertex (which is actually an end point of one of the intersecting edges which has influence at the time) scroll the mouse wheel to select other adjacent edges with which to set the tangent vector direction, as previewed by the green tangency symbol.

  4. Continue selecting points to draw spline points.

  5. End the spline:

    • Double-click to set the end point of the line.

    • Hold Alt and click to make the end point tangent with an adjacent sketch or edge.

    • Right-click and select Finish Line.

    • Press Esc.
    • Connect the end point to the start point.

    • Click any tool (except the Clipboard and Orient tools).

ShowTo create a closed spine

You can create a closed spline in the following ways:

  • When drawing a spline, end it on the start point.

  • When editing the spline, drag one end point on top of the other point.

Once you have created a closed spline, you cannot edit it into an open spline.


The following options are available for every sketch tool:


Sketching a spline between points in 3D

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